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Black History Month


This content is older than 6 years—please consider its relevancy when reading the article/viewing the embedded video.

By Stella Schwartz

The month of February is celebrated as an annual observance towards black achievement, known formally as Black History Month. During this time, Americans recognize the central role of blacks in U.S. history and their progression throughout the years.

As an individual who is involved and shares a passion for the arts, I was curious to research the portrayal of minorities in the film, media, and entertainment industries, as well as the evolution of race that we see sometimes unnoticeably on our television screens, or jamming throughout our earbuds.

Blacks have been treated as second-class citizens since the inception of this country, forcibly being brought into the U.S. as slaves to the average white man and lacking basic human rights until the Civil Rights Act passed in 1964.

Sam Lucas was the first black actor to have a lead role in a movie, Uncle Tom’s Cabin. The movement continued once Hearts in Dixie was released, the first Hollywood film to feature an all-black cast.

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